Whale Safari & research - Andøya & Skjervoy (Tromso)
Whales have been an important part of Norwegian coastal culture and for the people along the coast. Whales fascinate, inspire, and have been both a valuable resource and the origin of myths, Norway has had a bad reputation during the history of times, but today we have a strong history of sustainable management of marine ecosystems.
The island of Andøya, which is part of the Vesterålen archipelago, is known as the “Whale Kingdom of the North” because it is such a top whale watching spot in Norway.
Various whales can be seen off the coast of the islands throughout the year, including sperm whales, humpback whales, minke whales, orcas, pilot whales, white-beaked dolphins, and porpoises.
Since year 2020 two whale-watching companies in Andenes, Whale2Sea and Whalesafari, have been involved in research on sperm whales, long-finned pilot whales and Risso´s dolphins. The work is led by Dr. Tiu Similä and includes several collaborations, mainly with the University of Tromsø, but also with several other universities and institutions. Since 2025 Arctic Ocean Lodge participates in the research on whales.
The ocean area off Andøya is unique in several different aspects. The large deep-sea canyon, Bleik canyon, is located here and as it ends only 10 km from land it makes this island the place where deep sea comes closer to land than anywhere else in the Northeast Atlantic. Andfjord between Andøya and Senja is also unique ecosystem with deep sea coral reefs. Most importantly, the ocean here is very productive due to nutrient rich currents, and the abundance of fish and squid attracts ten different whale species to this area to feed. Which whale species are present is dependent on what prey species are in the area, a factor which varies greatly throughout the year.
The focus of the research has been in gaining a better understanding of the behavioral ecology of male sperm whales. All sperm whales in the North Atlantic are born in tropical or subtropical waters where females spend their entire lives, while males leave to arctic foraging grounds when they approach puberty. The research focuses on understanding the social life, habitat use, diet, diving behavior, vocal communication, pollutant levels and many other aspects of the life of the sperm whales. Photo-identification, images taken of the fluke of the whales (which works like a fingerprint in humans) was initiated in the area already in 1987 and offers great insights into seasonal patterns in occurrence and individual differences in the behavior of the adult male sperm whales.
In recent years, the research has focused also on long-finned pilot whales and Risso´s dolphins. Pilot whales have always been seen in the area, but the number of sightings has significantly increased the last years, probably linked to warming oceans and an “invasion” of mackerel to the area during summer. Risso´s dolphins are not part of the arctic fauna but have been seen in ever increasing numbers during summer months, also linked to the warming climate. As part of our research on these two species we try to understand how their presence might affect the other cetaceans in the area.
By joining on an Arctic Ocean Lodge trip with their sailing vessel “Alma af Frøya” or “Toftevaag” you will be able to contribute to the ongoing scientific work as well as experience the whales on close reach and over a long time.
The tasks onboard will vary based on the season, what species are observed etc. The basic outline consists of registering the sailing track, sightings, photo-identification, acoustic recordings, and behavioral observations.
Our aim is to offer you a unique experience where you can both learn about the whales and the ocean ecosystem and contribute to the ongoing research.
Pilot Whale
Sperm Whale
Killer Whale
Whale Safari & Research – Sail, Explore & Listen
24 Hours in total, 11:00a.m - 11:00a.m
Hamnegata 9, 8480 Andenes (Whale2Sea)
Embark on an unforgettable 24-hour whale safari where you will not only see but also listen to the whales using our state-of-the-art towed hydrophone. This immersive experience brings you closer to these majestic creatures in their natural habitat. The journey includes an overnight stay aboard the magnificent Alma, offering comfort and breathtaking views of the Arctic landscape.
NOK7000 per person -
Free cancellation up to 24 hours before departure.
✔ Overnight stay in your own bunk aboard Alma
✔ Dinner served at sea
✔ Whale safari with acoustic listeningA once-in-a-lifetime adventure in the heart of the Arctic!
Whale Watching Safari and Northern Lights- Skjervøy (Tromsø)
Total Duration: 4 nights, 5 days
Meeting point: Sørkjosen Harbour, 9152 Sørkjosen, (3 hours outside Tromsø)
Time of check in: 5:00PM or earlier
Included: All meals, accommodation, activities&guides & harbor fees etc.
Please feel free to inform us with any special requests, like allergies etc.
Free cancellation up to 24 hours before depature
Phone to Skipper: +47 988 63 995
Welcome onboard!
Experience the Arctic like never before aboard Alma, a modern yet classic sailing ship that serves as both your exclusive whale-watching platform and comfortable overnight accommodation. Designed for both adventure and relaxation, Alma provides spacious private bunks, three bathrooms with showers, and waterborne heating, ensuring warmth and comfort throughout your journey.
NOK22300 per person
✔ 4 nights overnight stay in your own bunk aboard Alma
✔ Dinner & all meals served at sea
✔ Whale SafariA once-in-a-lifetime adventure in the heart of the Arctic!
The Ultimate Arctic Experience - 3 nights
3 nights, 4 days in total,
Hamnegata 9, 8480 Andenes (Whale2Sea)
Tour starts at 11.am - meet up minimum 30 minutes before
3-Night Arctic Wildlife & Fishing Adventure
Embark on an unforgettable 3-night adventure exploring the rich marine life and breathtaking landscapes of the Arctic.
This exclusive experience includes a whale safari with research insights, a thrilling puffin safari by RIB, and a guided fishing trip, with opportunities for kayaking, beach walks, and sauna relaxation. Onboard accommodation and two nights at Arctic Ocean Lodge.
NOK14 000 per person
guided whale safari with research insights, puffin&bird safari by RIB, and a guided fishing trip, with opportunities for kayaking, beach walks, and sauna relaxation. Onboard accommodation and all meals included.
Free cancellation up to 24 hours before departure.