Code of Conduct
Arctic Oceans Lodge`s goal is to create the leading sustainable travel company with a base in Skjoldehamn, Andøya. Performance first is our slogan and providing excellence in everything we do is not an act, but a habit. Our Business Management System sets out the goal that every employee habitually acts according to our core values manifested in a set of tenets and guidelines.
Our Sustainability Framework recognises the importance of GHG emission reductions in response to global warming. Policies, principles, and strategic priorities have been established. The sustainability Framework is divided in 3 areas: Governance, Environmental, and Social.
Our Code of Conduct (the “Code”) is our commitment to conduct our business with integrity. The Code aims to build trust and demonstrate our commitment to being a respected and trusted business. The Code of Conduct is part of our governance system and is intended to be a resource to help Arctic Oceans Lodge and/or anyone working for the Company to act in accordance with our core values in SAFE.
It includes references to relevant policies, processes and procedures and other useful resources and tools, which provide additional, more detailed guidance for expected business conduct. Together with the Code, these form Arctic OceansLodge’s governance system.
The Code does not cover every possible eventuality, so you, as an Arctic Oceans Lodge Representatives, must use good judgement and seek further advice when you have any questions or concerns.
The Code gives the Arctic Oceans Lodge Representatives the guidance and support needed to conduct our business in an ethical manner and in compliance with applicable laws, rules and regulations, as well as internationally accepted guidelines, conventions or similar relating to corruption, money laundering, fraud, slavery, environment, human rights, or similar activities (“Applicable Rules”). The
Arctic Oceans Lodge has business relationships in many forms and areas. We refer to the entities, organizations and individuals with whom we do business as “Business Partners”.
Our Vison is to offer life-changing experiences that our customers will never forget. Being in North Norway on Andøya we travel to places of exiting beauty with engaging people who are looking for adventure in regions many may not even know exist.
Arctic Oceans Lodge and Amundsen Adventure is a frontier adventure company focusing on the natural beauty of the North Atlantic waters of Vesterålen. We are committed to provide breath taking experiences for the unexperienced adventurer
as well as advanced travellers wanting to explore some of the most remote corners of the globe.
And foremost this is sustainable adventures focusing on minimal environment footprint. We firmly believe that the travel industry needs to change to a business with lesser environmental footprint.
We are focused on sustainability and wants to contribute to a more environmental travel philosophy by offering e.g. sail rather than diesel as propulsion as well as utilizing local food culture through established connections with the locals. In this way we contribute to sustainable development in remote areas in the Nordic
coastal areas in line with OECDs guidelines and UNs principles og sustainability.
We will focus on FN`s sustainability targets 3, 6, 7, 12, 13, 14 and 17 from the overview below:
The Arctic is a vulnerable area which is under pressures from humans and the changing climate. At Arctic Oceans Lodge we are concerned with taking care of the environment as much as possible, and we believe that small boats with few people and little pollution and waste are much less harmful to the environment, climate, and local wildlife than larger boats and cruise ships. In Svalbard and Greenland, we follow AECO’s guidelines for encounters with wildlife, beach cleaning, and cultural heritage sites.
To survive as a business on a long term we fully believe that we need to operate with a 0 vision with respect to HSE/accidents, spill to sea in addition to respecting local culture and ethics.
Human and Labour Rights
Arctic Oceans Lodge aims to conduct its business in a manner which respects the human rights and dignity of people. We support and acknowledge the fundamental principles of human and labour rights as defined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Labour Organization’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. When considering new investments or when tendering for goods and services, we review any associated human rights issues and consider how we can ensure that our operations do not come into conflict with any of these fundamental human rights principles. Arctic Oceans Lodge will not use child or forced labour and will not tolerate working conditions or treatment that conflicts with international laws and practices. We have zero- tolerance for modern slavery and human trafficking. Arctic Oceans Lodge acknowledges its employees’ rights to form and join trade unions, and equally their right to remain non-unionised. The company aims to communicate and consult with employees and their trade unions on relevant matters.
We are committed to ensuring that the unique contributions each employee brings to the company are encouraged. To ensure that everyone can make full use of their talents we must welcome, listen to and respect the ideas of people from different backgrounds. Work-related decisions should be based on merit, rather than gender, national origin, religion, ethnic background, race, colour, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, disability or any other characteristic protected by Applicable Rules.
Privacy & Personal Information
We respects the privacy of its employees and will only use personal information in accordance with Applicable Rules relating to privacy and to the extent needed to operate effectively. Access to personal information is restricted and will only be accessible when there is a legitimate need by Arctic Oceans Lodge Representatives with the required authorisations. Arctic Oceans Lodge is committed to securing the confidentiality of personal information of our employees and everyone we work with. Personal data will only be used for appropriate purposes and processed in accordance with Arctic Oceans Lodge’s data protection guidelines.
Our reputation relies on the collective behaviour of all our Representatives and our Business Partners. The Company expects that everyone who works for, or on behalf of, the company will do so with integrity and in accordance with Applicable Rules, as well as this Code. We seek to work with others who share our commitment to ethics and compliance, and we shall clearly communicate our expectations to all Business Partners. We manage risk through performing integrity due diligence investigations when found necessary.
All offensive behaviour or other behaviour that colleagues or Business Partners may regard as threatening or degrading, Offensive messages, derogatory remarks and inappropriate jokes are never acceptable. You shall respect other people’scustoms and culture.
We do not tolerate any form of corruption in our business operations. Each one of us must comply with Applicable Rules relating to anti-corruption as well as actively strive to make sure our Business Partners share this commitment. We shall operate in an open and transparent manner. Engaging in corruption may not only have serious consequences for the Company, but also on the individual and may result in criminal charges, penalties or sanctions. Arctic Oceans Lodge Representatives shall not, either directly or indirectly through a third party, offer, give, accept, receive, request or agree to receive any form of improper advantage of any kind. An improper advantage is an advantage which has no legitimate business purpose, and which is normally given to influence the recipient for an improper purpose, including to obtain or retain business or any business advantage.
Health, Environment & Safety
Health, Safety and Environment is always the number one priority in all our activities. The company strives to ensure that all its sailing and expeditions are carried out under the highest standards. Amundsen Adventure and Arctic Oceans Lodge shall be a safe workplace, where the goal is to prevent any kind of harm. Everyone who works for the company – our employees, hired personnel and contractors – shall be able to perform their work in an environment where the emphasis is on safety.
A quarter of all seabirds in Europe nest in Norway. Norway therefore has a special responsibility to look after these stocks. For most areas, the traffic ban applies from 15 April to 1 August. The Storting has adopted a management plan for the sea areas outside Lofoten and Vesterålen where the purpose is to facilitate value creation through the sustainable use of resources and ecosystem services and at the same time maintain the ecosystem's structure, functioning, productivity, and natural diversity.
Nature itself is not vulnerable, but it can be vulnerable if it is exposed to various forms of external influence. Vulnerability is defined, among other things, as an area's ability to withstand human activities. Seabirds are vulnerable in relation to tourism, recreational fishing, boat traffic and increased traffic.
Unfortunately, many bird populations are in decline. The seabirds have had a dramatic decline in population. Nevertheless, there are still a large number of puffins nesting here, as well as auks, loons, terns, terns, and cormorants. Krykkje used to nest here, but this has now disappeared. Total estimates of the colonies in the area indicate that these puffin colonies have not declined in the same way as those further south. The importance of these colonies increases as their national share increases. During the fledging period, when the adult birds collect food for the young, the radius of action from the colony is short. This applies especially to auks, which use a lot of energy when flying, and which often collect food only a few tens of kilometers from the colony. Bleiksøya and Forrøya are important nesting areas for a large number of seabirds. As a conservation area, the area outside Bleik is of immense value, hence the Companies being part of the Andøya Bird & Wildlife network has made a commitment to adhere to sustainable tourist development.
Bird-watching Tours
Respect and Promote Birds and Their Environment
Support bird conservation and habitat preservation.
Avoid stressing birds and exposing them to danger.
Exercise caution around nests, roosts, and feeding sites.
Limit the use of bird call recordings, especially for rare or threatened species.
Minimize habitat disturbance by staying on trails and preserving natural features.
Respect and Promote the Birding Community and Its Members
Be honest and act with integrity while birding and reporting observations.
Educate group members on ethical birding practices and avoid interfering with others in the area.
Respect and Promote the Law and the Rights of Others
Obtain permission before entering private property.
Interact positively with locals and respect their interests.
Respect protected nesting areas and habitat regulations.
Management of Boat Traffic in Seabird Breeding Grounds
Seabirds thrive best in undisturbed environments especially during their breeding season.
Vulnerability of Seabirds to Human Activities
Vulnerability for seabird populations is heightened during the fledging period.
when birds gather food for their young within a short radius from the colony
Conservation Measures for Seabird Habitats
Prioritizing sustainable boat traffic near nesting areas (including Islands like Bleiksøya and Forrøya)
Practicing precaution when approaching resting seabird flocks include reducing vessel speed, avoiding driving through flocks, and drifting with the flock to minimize stress.
Maintaining a distance from resting flocks to prevent birds from taking flight
Approaching flocks with the wind from astern reduces the likelihood of birds taking flight.
Avoiding boat traffic in specific areas prevents disturbance to nesting birds, such as the channel between Forrøya and the reef.
The seabirds use a lot of energy when they get food for their young, and they therefore need to rest for periods. They do this, among other things, when they lie quietly in large flocks and drift with wind and current near the bird's mountain. To protect themselves from predators, the sea eagles, they swim close together when they rest. When our tourist boats approach these flocks, the obvious precautionary rules should apply:
· Well before the arrival of resting seabirds on the sea surface, the speed of the vessel is lowered to "idle speed" to reduce the stress level of the birds.
· Driving the boat across resting flocks of birds on the sea surface should be avoided.
· Close to flocks of birds resting on the sea surface, a disengaged engine will cause the boat to drift with the flock, reducing stress on the birds.
· Experienced boat drivers keep the boat at a distance from resting flocks on the surface so that the birds do not have to use their wings to escape.
· The boats should approach the flocks with the wind from astern, then the birds will not take to the wings so easily.
· Boats in the channel between Forrøya and the reef in front should be avoided to prevent the great cormorant from leaving the nest so that the great gulls eat the eggs/young.
Whale Watching Tours
We invite everyone to be active participants during tours, indicating a whale sighting by using the clock-system.
What to do
• Assess the animal, group, and their movement.
• Approach slowly and avoid sudden movements.
• Stop propellers if cetaceans approach the vessel and operate with caution.
• Stay approximately and a maximum of 30 minutes with the same whale.
• Communicate with other vessels to coordinate approach (advised that a maximum of three boats surround the same animal)